Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the beginning of therapy

today we went to our first therapy dog class.  I am very lucky because my brother Zenny has already done this class so my mother knows a little about what is going to happen.  I am also lucky because I have been asked to be the dog that helps to show some of the therapy dog skills that we need in order to pass our test.  this is great practice for me and my mother and plus I get to be a star,... I love being a star! 

I got to spend almost 2 hrs just with my mother on Sunday.  we went away with homework already!  we are going to talk in our next post about the homework we received and what we will need to practice on.  I'm pretty good at stuff but we can always use practice! 

the instructor, her name is Alice, she said my mother has to keep a journal about our training for this class.  lucky me, my mother loves to keeps journals, so here it is!  we hope that the instructor will like it,........

thats all for now!

1 comment:

Kiri - Labrador at Large said...

Hi Sis!

So exciting that you have your own blog now, I'll have to link it to mine!

Kisses and slop!

Love, Kiri